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The Art of Attunement

The skill of attunement is essential to a transformative experience resulting in a restorative harmonic resonance

You Are a Beautiful Instrument that Needs Occasional Tuning for Optimal Health

Combining healing intention through Reiki and creating a meditative relaxing environment with a soundscape that will restore and heal your natural frequencies using the law of resonance is the foundation of my approach. 


Attunement goes beyond empathy and creates the optimal safe-place for you to self heal. My mission as a sound healer is to help you begin your healing journey by teaching you how to release and process stuck energy, connect with new energy flow for strength, release old wounds, protect your energy field, and find a deeper connection with self. 


My approach is simple. I will bring you to a beautiful place with the ideal frequencies for your live sound healing or online meditation intention where you are safe and free to fully restore your natural resonance.


The result is a state of relaxation, peace, heightened awareness and clarity. online meditation oil painting by Bonnie Kat images for Soundscape Arts Meditation
Soundscape Arts, Bonnie Kat Studio live sound healing, VA wind gong, crystal bowls, handpan
"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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